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——Think Tank fire's first  parade of low carbon steel tube fixed levels for arc welding


      In order to accelerate itsskills talent team construction, and stimulating the enthusiasm of theemployees to learn technology, practice skills, improve staff skill levels,improve their own quality.On September 18, 2013, Zhejiang Think Tank fire lco., LTD of lists of the first skills "level of low carbon steel tubefixed arc welding" to take over games kicked off in production workshop,the production department staff actively response to the event, a total of 11people participated in the game.

      The competition gets greatconcern from the leadership of the company, in order to ensure the competitionis open, just and fair, the company sets up the judging group composed by ZhangJianguo-director of manufacturing system、Gao Gengmiao- director of quality research、Guan Liang-director of after-sales system.   The competition is mainly from the settingof welding currents and choice of welding rod、front of the welding(weld residual high, width, heightdifference, weld width difference, bite edge, porosity, slag inclusion, wrongside, forming on the surface)、back of the welding(welding height、weldthe back height, height difference, porosity, forming, lack of penetration,welding tumors and sag) and site score(Land clearing, tool holders) these fouraspects to test.  The competition can bedevided into four aspects and three people can be grouped.  

      The whole competition gamecarried on in full swing with great order.  The competitors were unhurried and got ready.   In the competition, seamlesstube as electrical sparkle long tail, and splashing, the abrasive materialshould have been given a fresh life beating up.  Participatingemployees in guarantee under the premise of safety and quality of welding,giving full play to the individual welding skills on the basis of mutuallearning and improvement, constantly enhancing the level of professionalskills.

      Attaches great importance toand support the leadership of the company, under the careful preparation of theproduction department all the staff, after a competitive sport to tournamentcompetition ended, eventually Zhang Xuefeng six employees so as to obtain thegame before six.Here to congratulate them, and called for other employees tolearn from them, learn technology, take root.

      This contest is the company's full implementation of"talent thriving enterprise strategy and staff quality engineering",the important measures for high-skilled talent team construction to haveimportant I believe that only heavy technology, enterprise is qualified fireprotection enterprise.Cinda fire, will certainly to become the leader.

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