Cabinet HFC-227ea Gas Fire Exting…

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Cabinet HFC-227ea Gas Fire Extinguishing Back
Product Overview

Product introduction:

HFC-227ea (molecular formula:CF3CHFCF3)is a colorless、tasteless andnon-conducting gas. With the characteristics of clean、low toxicity but high efficiency, up to now, it is asuccessfully researched & developed fire extinguishing agent and also one of the best productsto take the place of Alkyl halides 1301、1211.

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Product introduction:

HFC-227ea (molecular formula:CF3CHFCF3)is a colorless、tasteless andnon-conducting gas. With the characteristics of clean、low toxicity but high efficiency, up to now, it is asuccessfully researched & developed fire extinguishing agent and also one of the best productsto take the place of Alkyl halides 1301、1211.

Our cabinet HFC-227ea fire extinguishing device is a prefabricatedsystem which storage bottle of extinguishing agent and nozzle are combined in the samecabinet.The system consists of cabinet, storagebottle of extinguishing agent, pressure gauge, high-pressure hose, nozzle ,pressure signal device, electromagnetic driving device, start tubeassembly (double Cylinders), pilot valve (double Cylinders) and fire detection controller.

Product Performance:

Technical characteristics:

1.Cabinet HFC-227ea fire extinguishing device is a prefabricatedsystem which storage bottle of extinguishing agent andnozzle are combined in the same cabinet.It can be easilyinstalled in the protection zone while there is no need of special cylinders and agent pipelinenetwork. Especially suit for independent and smaller protection zone2.Cabinet fire extinguishing device configured individually an automatic fire detection &alarm controller, and can also be combined with Fire control center. We haveboth automatic and manual devices. 3.Cabinet fire extinguishing deviceis also named pre-extinguishingsystem. It can be used separatly as well as unitedly (less than 10 ) for big protectionzone.

Places for Application

1.Electrical fire;2.Liquid fire;3.Fire on solid surface;4.Gas fire in the event that gas source canbe cut off before extinguishment.

The Product is NotApplicable to the Following Situations

1.Fire of chemical products containing peroxidessuch as nitrocellulose and sodium nitrate, or oxidant;2.Fire of active metalslike potassium, sodium, magnesium,titanium, zirconium and uranium;3.Fire of metal hydride like potassiumhydride and sodium hydride;4.Fire of chemicalsubstances that decompose automatically such as hydrogenperoxide and hydrazine.

Compilation Basis

1.GB5628.1 FlaredStraight Tube Joint;

2.GB5630.1 FlaredRight-angle Tube Joint;

3.GB5639.1 Flared TeeTube Joint;

4.GB9969.1 General Principle of Instructionsfor Industrial Products;

5.GB16670 Cabinet gas fireextinguishing equipment

6.GB50166 Code for Installation and Acceptance ofAutomatic Fire Alarm System;

7.GB50263 Code forInstallation and Acceptance of Gas Fire Extinguishing System;

8.GB50370 Code ofDesign for Gas Fire Extinguishing System;

9.GBJ166 Code of Designfor Automatic Fire Alarm System;

Specification and Model


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