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Thinktank fire celebrates "Women's Day"by making dumplings

Release time:2015-03-11 Source:信達達到 Browse:1166

      In order to celebrate international Women's Day anddecorate Think Tank stuffs' cultural life, the competition named ' love family,love life,happy wives make dumplings" are organized by Think Tank LabourUnion and union of women representatives.

      Dumpling is the traditional food which can be madeby almost every family. The process of chopping fillings, rolling skins andmaking dumplings cannot only promote the communication and feelings but alsostrengthen staffs' community of honors and mutual understanding ofcommunication. The organizers of this competition has considered fully bychanging the traditional form of participating by departments but dividingcompetitors in five groups randomly and 9 people in one group. Female staffsfrom different systems and departments even those who do not have workingcontacts can participate in the team and plan for the team.

      At three o'clock in the afternoon on March 6th, thecompetition began. The canteen on the second floor soon became busy. Somewashed the vegetables, some rolled the flours, some chopped the meat ....Female staffs turned to be iron ladies and happily busy with making dumplings.looking carefully, every team had some ' capable staffs'. Nobody wanted to lagbehind, the competition was quite fierce. Some had their tricks when rollingthe flavor, some rolled dumplings that are thin and round, some made dumplingsin the shape of flowers, some divided their work well and some made dumplingsmost quickly..... You could hear the sound of washing vegetables, chopping meatand people's laugh. The situation of being busy and lively attracted males tostop and watch.

      In the process of competition, the jury made byfive leaders in the company's labour union observed the competition situationof five teams, the general manager-Deng Hong and the chief inspector ofmarketing department- Chang Fei even made examples by making dumplings androlling skins, which made many females feel inferior. At five o'clock in theafternoon,when the actress announced the ending of the competition, the Jurygave grades according to the numbers of the dumplings, appearance standard,sanity situation, taste and team work. Finally, after two hours' fiercecompetition,  the team led by Zhu Yuehuawon the competition by the total grade of 457 points and the whole number of464. every group had a piece of decent gift for rewarding.

      Looking at these dumplings in the queue, some werelike mice with long tails, some were like yuanbao, and some were triangle,female staffs smiled happily. At this moment, males came to the canteen, peopleenjoyed the dumpling banquet together.

      This activity hadreceived great reputation from females for they not only communicated theskills but also the team cohesion force has been strengthened.

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